Does It Mean to Be the Light?
As the days become shorter, there is less sunlight shining on my face, there is more rain or fog, and I start to feel the need to light a candle, to relax, to read a book and to meditate. I feel that the summer is over, and it feels that it is now time to move inward. This transition of the seasons, going from summer to autumn – summer which is about expression, and autumn which (together with winter) are the seasons of reflections and hibernation, was emphasized by a spiritual event I was privileged to attend: the Ekhart Tolle event on Thursday 12 October in Ahoy Rotterdam. Ekhart Tolle is one of world’s best-known spiritual teachers and self-help authors. So to brighten the darkest period of the whole year I want to share with you some of Ekhart Tolle’s teaching 🙂 |
Does It Mean to Be the Light?There is a deeper reality within every human being that is beyond our personality and social identity. All spiritual teachings point to this, and because it is impossible to define in words, it has often been simply referred to as “inner light.” Our modern word for this inner light is consciousness, and consciousness is perhaps the deepest mystery in the universe. How do we live with more consciousness in our own lives? How do we activate this inner light as a force for good in the world during this critical time? You can doubt everything about yourself but what you cannot doubt is that you are conscious. When you reach a point where you transcend thinking but are quiet, alert, and present, you realize that there is a vast realm of consciousness that is aware. You are that one consciousness and we are all connected through it. This is an experiential realization and the eternal mystery of who we are. If you don’t know yourself as the light of consciousness, then you only know yourself as a separate person. And living life only in such an ego-identified state can be quite aggravating, lonely, and frustrating. As you start to glimpse what “Being the Light” means, you become a benevolent force in the universe. You tap into creative inspirations that can contribute to both your own evolution and that of the planet, especially during these turbulent times. |
We ALL have an opportunity to bring our light into the world at this critical time and to play an essential role in conscious evolution. SUPPORT OUR FAMILIES With greater consciousness, we are more available to the needs of our families and better able to keep them safe and secure. RAISE OUR CHILDREN As we move further into our own personal power, we foster the light in our children as well. CARE FOR OUR ELDERS Expanding our awareness allows us to honor our elders while offering care, compassion. PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Embodying the one consciousness is essential to be the change we need for our world and the environment. BUILD CONSCIOUS BUSINESSES Understanding that you are the light of the world moves you from a state of consumption to one of altruistic service. SUPPORT A JUST SOCIETY Now is the time to expand our own spiritual understanding so that we can positively influence all sectors of society. TEACH THE NEXT GENERATION Our Presence is necessary in order to fully connect with those who are ready to receive it, especially children. CREATE ART, LITERATURE & MUSIC We are on the forefront of change and embracing our true nature allows us to bring more light to the world. CREATE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Awakening our consciousness allows us to create communities that are collaborative and sustainable. BE IN LOVING RELATIONSHIPS As we develop a deeper intimacy with ourselves, we develop a deeper connection with those around us. LEAD AND INSPIRE OTHERS Our essence identity has purpose, but to inspire others in the world, we must touch a deeper level of transformation. CONNECT WITH CONSCIOUSNESS Creating a new sense of consciousness and inner well-being is the foundation for creating a new world. |