The future is now. Let’s make it together.
Would you like to know what the future will bring?
Would you like to know if you, the people you care about and the world will be happy and healthy?
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi
The future is now
I like to think about the future the same way I think about the present moment. Everything that is present is now… so the future is also NOW. Every little step we take NOW is creating and influencing the FUTURE. Let us take a good look at what are we busy with… and reflect on what is the most important for us, and for the world.
Nowadays life is asking us to be very flexible and because of that we can sometimes lose our commitment, our focus. We feel we are losing ourselves and that makes us feel irritated and frustrated.
Get out of your head
Whenever you find yourself lost and frustrated and obsessed with looking into the future, return to the here and now. Look around you. Breathe. Look within yourself and see what is present in your life right now. See if you can offer bit of kindness and compassion to yourself and ask yourself a question: How can I embrace what is here and now, and how can I be grateful for everything that IS right now?
I need to be flexible myself and adjust to the situation every day. We are in this together. I offer outdoor classes, live-streams, video on demand, and I am thinking about reopening the studio.
Thank you for your commitment
I am grateful for all the members who keep up their commitment to Yoganesa and support my work. You take good care of me so I am able to take good care of you. We need each other 🙂 Big hugs.
Stay healthy and gentle with yourself.
Warm regards,
❤ Katri ❤