Living like in a Snow Globe
As you all probably know the lockdown is prolonged until 9th February 2021. Fortunately we continue to offer our online classes.
Entering another lockdown may feel like being shaken just like a snow-globe.
Imagine yourself sitting in a snow-globe. When the snow-globe is shaken, it is a storm, the snowflakes are moving and it is difficult to see through it. You can see the snowflakes as your emotions and thoughts which are triggered by different circumstances. You may feel irritated and sad at the moment. You may worry about the future. It is ok to face those emotions. But when you sit still, and observe the snowflakes, you will see that they slow down. You can see through it again. You are relaxed now. You can now make your decisions.
Remember “The process of growth continues” let us focus on compassion, trust and contentment for the coming month.
- Instead of worrying about how are you going to spend your holiday time away from family, think about others – maybe there is somebody who needs your help. Make time to call somebody you haven’t spoken with for a long time and let yourself listen to their story.
- Instead of being scared about the future, say to yourself “I trust that everything will take a good turn.”
- Instead of thinking about what you are not able to do, think about what is possible and enjoy it.
“You think this is just another day in your life? It is not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you. Today.” — Brother David Steindl-Rast
With love, peace and trust.