Just as nature comes to life in spring…
Just as nature comes to life in spring after a long cold winter, this is how our daughter Tosia was born on the morning of Wednesday 9th March 2022.
The labor started on Tuesday 8th March, with some spotting and pre-contractions. I woke up in the morning, it was beautiful sunny day, I saw that the third bloom on our Sterlizia Nicolai had blossomed, and it was International Women’s Day so I thought it would be a wonderful present if our daughter would arrive that day. But she preferred to wait, and the real contractions started at 00:30. With real contractions I mean back contractions ; ) which were varying in duration and intensity over 8 hours.
At around 1:00 o’clock I had only dilated 1 cm, at 4:00 o’clock it was only 2 cm and by 8:00 am I reached 3 cm. I was tired, full of pain and I knew that I was done: I couldn’t stand the pain any more, and having in mind the fact that I needed to reach dilation of 10 cm we decided to go to the hospital and get an epidural to manage the pain.
When we arrived at the hospital the pain reached its maximum, but I knew that I would get the epidural soon and could rest for moment.
Like in every good movie, the story of my labor took a different turn. After 8 hours of contractions it turned out that the pelvis opened from 3 till 10 cm within 1 hour and instead of getting the epidural, the pushing contractions started. I was allowed to push and within two waves Tosia was born.
The labor was physically very intense and painful. I got a chance to experience the meaning of female strength and patience. I am so grateful for this experience and I bow my head with deep respect to all women who have experienced it before me, to all women who stand in their strength, to all women who are facing and overcoming challenges every single day.
Let us all go on with building the world full of peace, love and true connections.
Katri and family