“I have to change to stay the same” IMPORTANT NEWS FROM YOGANESA 🙂
Willem de Kooning once said, “I have to change to stay the same.”
“Because whatever system we‘re in is changing. Because every step we take changes the ground we walk on. Because while you‘re busy trying to keep it all together, someone else is working just as hard to change it again.
Some organizations, artists and leaders work to disrupt and innovate.
And some seem content to close their eyes and will things to be exactly as they were yesterday or last year.
Between the innovator and the laggard, though, is most of us. Surfing and dancing with possibility, simply to continue to serve and keep our promises.
What you do isn‘t how you do it. What you do is the promise you make to the people you serve. If the people change, then the specifics of your promise have to change as well.”
I remember when I felt the desire to open a Yoga school I was only 31 years old – I was young, healthy and beautiful 😉 My hard work and dedication made the desire come true. It has been a very intensive and beautiful 13 years. “Over the floor” of Yoganesa we have had members from around the world, inspiring teachers, and many “Yoganesa babies” have been born 🙂
With this email I would like to let you know that after over 13 years facilitating weekly yoga, meditation, pilates classes, workshops and trainings at Dr. Zamenhofstraat 71, Rotterdam it has come to be time for a change. We leave this wonderful old location by the end of February 2024 and we are moving to a new location from 1st March 2024.
A new locations:
I’ve decided not to put too much pressure on myself by taking on a new, self-managed, independent location. Instead of that I’ve decided to support already-existing spaces by moving my weekly classes and workshops to those wonderful studios.
My weekly classes will be offered at:
Atelier ZEN, Oostzeedijk 108, 3063BG Rotterdam (Rotterdam Kralingen)
Houttuin, Corsicalaan 29, 3059XX Rotterdam Rotterdam Nesselande)
My monthly workshops will be offered in various location, please read carefully the address of the locations in description of each workshop 🙂
What does it mean for me?
Stepping out of independently managing a space gives me more personal space to grow, and to teach more – therefore you will see my name on the schedule more often from 1st March 2024. I continue collaborating with my wonderful colleagues and I will organize workshops with Jan, Jolanta, Anna and Mai just as I have been doing 🙂
What does this mean for Yoganesa members?
Besides the change of locations, adjusting the schedule and me taking over weekly classes everything stays the same.
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I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who was, is and will continue to be part of my Yoganesa family.
- Thank you to all teachers who were with me for the past years. Thank you for your presence and commitment.
- Thank you everyone who stepped on my path and enabled me to grow. Thanks to you I became richer – richer on every level.
- Thank you to my family for their patience and love.
- Thank you for the opportunity to use this space and help others, and myself, to connect to the heart.
The past 13 years have brought me many beautiful moments. Those moments are imprinted in my heart, so every conversation, every smile and every tear I take with me 🙂
Is there something that you take with you, too?
After 13 years of “holding space” I can say I feel young, healthy and beautiful 😉 but bit more serious … I arrived… I am home… the home of my heart….
The spirit of Yoganesa is alive and travels with me. Wherever I go I take part of it with me.
I am grateful for the past.
I am grateful for the present.
I am grateful for the future.
With love