Harmonizing Time & Nature, Yin Yoga & Biofield Tuning, Friday 4th April 2025 at 20:00
We’ve all experienced the feeling of not having enough time to do everything that needs to be done. When you’re not in the right relationship with time, you’re not in the right relationship with life itself. When you are in harmony with time, everything flows smoothly, you encounter many synchronistic moments, and you generally maintain a peaceful demeanor.
Our relationship with time and nature is connected to the Crown Chakra. In Biofield Tuning this is the only energy center where we do not find emotional or mental “stories.” The Crown Chakra is our connection to the universe; it allows us to move beyond our limited selves, beyond the ego and the pain body, to experience our essential unity with all that is.
In this Yin Yoga & Biofield Tuning Workshop, we will cleanse the right and left sides of the Crown Chakra. The coherent rhythm of the tuning forks, introduced into your biofield, will harmonize with your own nature and bring you into resonance with the universe. Combined with the deep, restorative poses of Yin Yoga, this workshop will help you align with the flow of time and nature, enhancing your overall sense of peace and unity.
Date: Friday, 4th April 2025, @20:00
Place: Ashtanga Yoga Rotterdam, Groenendaal 23D, 3011 SK Rotterdam
Investment: 45 €
Do you need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact Katri 0645228162 info@yoganesa.nl
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