Happy New Year
The end of the year is a great time to look back and to reflect.
Are there any things you would like to leave in 2020?
Are there any things you want to take with you into 2021?
Take a moment and journal about it.
To help yourself to leave some things behind you take a piece of paper and write a question: What would I like to leave in 2020? Spend 15 minutes and write everything what comes to mind. Write without stopping, and without reading what you have written. When your 15 minutes of journalling is complete take a moment to read it, reflect on it, say goodbye to what you will leave behind in 2020, and then burn the paper.
Now, take some time and write down everything that you would like to take with you into the New Year. Look back and see what amazing things have happened in your life this year. Look back to all the moments which gave you new experiences and inspired you. As in the previous exercise, spend 15 minutes and write everything down that comes to mind. Write without stopping and reading. When your 15 minutes of journalling is complete take a moment to highlight the essentials: mark everything what you like to take with you into the New Year. Make an intention board, with pictures, words and symbols to represent your desires and intentions for 2021. Find a good place for it and spend one minute each day gazing at it, reinforcing your intentions.. Your intention board will be your guideline for the coming year. Remember that everything that we focus on will grow 🙂
I am sure that we are going to remember 2020 for very long time. I would like to say 2020 times, thank you for your presence and your support. I am sending you 2021 kisses and hugs and I wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Healthy 2021.