Office Yoga

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Office Yoga

Healthy employees are happy employees, and that means a better company.

The realization that healthy employees are better at handling tasks, staying focused, and saving you money is spreading across the business world. While companies continue to find other ways to improve the quality of their human capital, it’s clear that small changes to their employees’ lifestyle boosts >well-being and can lead to dramatic improvements in their performance.

Employee well-being means:

  • Fewer Sick Days
  • Improved Productivity
  • Less Spent on Health Insurance Premiums
  • Better Cooperation
  • Fewer Workplace Accidents
  • Improved Corporate Image

There are many benefits for a company that creates a culture that is healthier and therefore happier. Companies can enjoy these benefits by adding yoga, meditation or mindfulness into employees’ lives.

Yoganesa can help!

We create in-company yoga, meditation or mindfulness workshops onsite or at Yoganesa. We offer a variety of different packages, according to your company’s needs. Another benefit? Business yoga falls under the labor costs scheme.The WKR makes it possible that lessons can be offered cost-neutral at work. For more information on programmes for business please contact for possibilities and and prices.