Lunar Yoga workshops

Since I began to incorporate the quality of the Moon in my own practice,  setting  intention for each Moon phase, my life has become more conscious. During Waning Moon I let go of things which are not serving me any longer. During a New Moon I „plant” a new seed and create a new beginning. During a Crescent Moon I focus on commitment and development of my ideas and plans. During Full Moon I connect to my full potential and I reflect on where the practice has brought me, and so the cycle repeats.

I would like to share with you Lunar Yoga, which I created based on my book “The Moon, Yoga and You”. In the workshops, which are synchronised with the cycle of the Moon, we will explore different techniques on how to bring more depth, joy and insight to yoga practice.

Workshop 1 – Waning Moon practice – Let go

Date: Tuesday, 25th March 2025

Time: 20:00- 21:15

Location: Ashtanga Yoga Rotterdam, Groenendaal 23D, 3011 SK Rotterdam

Investment: 25€

Waning Moon practice is based on Chandra Namaskara published in the book “Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Workshop 2 – New Moon practice – Plant a new seeds

Date: Tuesday, 1st April 2025

Time: 20:00- 21:15

Location: Ashtanga Yoga Rotterdam, Groenendaal 23D, 3011 SK Rotterdam

Investment: 25€

New Moon practice is based on Chandra Namaskara created at Kripalu Centre.

Workshop 3 – Crescent Moon practice – Connect to your inner creation

Date: Tuesday, 8th April 2025

Time: 20:00- 21:15

Location: Ashtanga Yoga Rotterdam, Groenendaal 23D, 3011 SK Rotterdam

Investment: 25€

Crescent Moon practice is based on Chandra Namaskara created by Shiva Rea.

Workshop 4 – Crescent Moon practice – Connect to your full  potential 

Date: Tuesday, 15th April 2025

Time: 20:00- 21:15

Location: Ashtanga Yoga Rotterdam, Groenendaal 23D, 3011 SK Rotterdam

Investment: 25€

Full Moon practice is based on Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation) created by Matthew Sweeney 

By joining all 4 workshops you will receive my book „The Moon, Yoga and You” with signature and personal message as a gift 🙂

Do you need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact me (Katri 0645228162

BOOK HERE MY WORKSHOPS there are only 10 places available.