Love protects, hate destroys
‘Water responds to our feelings’.
I first heard this few years ago. Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, in this case the molecular structure of water. It changes by the way we interact with it, positive or negative. A Japanese family heard about his discovery and invented ‘the rice experiment’.
‘The rice experiment’:
- Cook your rice in water, so the rice absorbs the water.
- Cool it and put it into 3 jars.
- Write ‘I love you’ on one jar, ‘I hate you’ on the second and nothing on the last one.
- Spend at least 30 seconds, twice a day, consciously sending out negative or positive thoughts towards the respective jars of rice.
- Over a period of a few weeks, stand in front of these jars and sent your positive and negative thoughts and feelings. Observe the change.
Many people have done this experiment and it seems to work for most people. The result in most experiments is that the “hate” jar becomes mouldy and deteriorates more quickly than the “love” jar.
What can we learn from this experiment
Our thoughts, words, intention and actions are more powerful than we think. Love protects, hate destroys an denying slowly destroys. Everything is made up of atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons and vibrates at a different frequency. When we think, speak and act out of love, it’s going to have a different affect on an inanimate object then when we think, speak and act out of hate. The “love” rice doesn’t mould as quickly because the words someone is speaking to it come from a higher vibrational energy. It meets the energy that the rice particles make up and it keeps the vibrational frequency of the rice high. The “hate” rice is met with low vibrational words, therefore, the energy molecules it’s made up of have slowed down.
If you have any doubts about the validity of ‘The rice experiment’, try it yourself.